mental health

  • about,  mental health,  Uncategorized

    New Job! Who this?!

    I started a new job mid-March – crazy to think that I was able to and lucky enough to quick and find a job so quickly. I am definitely thankful, grateful, and blessed. But, do not be fooled – it was a lot of hard work as well with the emotional rollercoaster of interviewing and moving on in the process vs. getting denied. What I’ve noticed thus far in this new role? Although I went through multiple interviews, it’s hard for people to know the detail and depth of your work experience in a matter for a 30 – 60 minute interview. It is up to you to utilize your…

  • about,  mental health

    I Quit. Now What?

    Early February, I put in my two week notice and quit my job with no job lined up and was fully ready to take 6 to 12 months to heal, take classes, and job search. The job I quit had a great mission and great teammates, but unfortunately it was not a great culture fit and I did not feel supported or set up for success in my role. Not to mention, it was a role that did not check even the majority of my career goal boxes and had begun to affect my mental health – hence the quitting. The week of my last day, I had a total…

  • about,  mental health

    The Struggle That Took Me Away

    Wow. What. A. Year. When I first started this blog, the focus was supposed to be on health and wellness – both physical and mental. It then morphed into wedding prep and hosting a COVID wedding. Now, it’s more of a continuous “about me”, but I swear this one does tie into the importance of your mental health. Some of you may know that I lost my job in March 2020. Not just my job, but it was my dream job. You guys, I come from a very math and science heavy household growing up but always loved being creative (right side) and artsy (left side) which came out through…

  • about,  mental health

    New Year. Old Traditions.

    Happy New Year! It’s finally the end of that never ending year and the start of something new, something hopeful, something of change! We could all use some change and something else to focus on! Every year my husband and I make our vision boards. What is a vision board you ask? A vision board is literally a blank slate – usually we cut a white poster board in half where you share, clip and paste, draw what you envision for your future or what you want to focus on for the upcoming year or few years. This will be our 6th year doing it together and I only remember…

  • about,  mental health

    Ending the Never-Ending Year!

    First of all, thank you for your patience with me. I have not written a blog in a couple of months and I wish I had a good reason to or an exciting project I was working on instead, but to be honest, I just did not have the mental capacity to do anymore at the time. I know that I am not alone when saying these past two months have been even more tiresome and mentally draining than almost the rest of the year. The end of the year is usually crunch time – time where you are trying to squeeze in any last minute goals, time to drain…

  • health,  mental health,  Uncategorized

    A Week in Nature

    This past week and a half, I actually had the opportunity to get away from the bay and stay in Northern California in this super small, cute, and quaint town called Nevada City. It was nice to spend some quality time with the future in-laws and taking care of them. Nevada City is different – it’s like another world out there – which is oddly exactly what I needed. I grew up in the bay area and will always love and appreciate it for what it has to offer – from bomb bay area food, lots of diversity, etc. But, I definitely needed to get a change of scenery. I…

  • health,  mental health

    Top 5 Mental Health Accounts to Follow

    To be honest, mental health wasn’t a priority for me until recently. I did not grow up with even the concept of what mental health was and why it is so important. I feel that traditionally in asian cultures mental health isn’t really a thing and even taboo to talk about or acknowledge. I’ve grown up with the whole – “life’s tough, buck up” mentality which eventually led to bad habits of suppressing a lot of my feelings – even to the point where it takes me A LONG time to – 1. figure out what the hell I am feeling 2. process those feelings. Even now, there are times…

  • mental health

    Quarantine Reads

    Quarantine has really shaken things up and like everyone else I’m just doing my best to not only adapt, but survive in this ever changing world. When I first got laid off, I was excited to have all this extra time and was planning to take a month off of work to reconnect – with the world, friends and family, and myself. I wanted to travel to Hawaii for a week or two with my mom and enjoy the beautiful beaches and nature out there. I wanted to visit my friends in the south bay and Fresno. But, what’s that saying…”We plan, God laughs” and I’m sure he was rolling…

  • about,  fitness,  health,  mental health

    Start of a Journey!

    Hello everyone! I am Amelia and the face behind the Thanxamelion blog. I am starting this blog to create a safe place for people to gather and take the time to make themselves a priority. I want to empower people to live their best lives by focusing on both mental and physical health.  During this bizarre quarantine time, there has definitely been a major shift in my life as I’m sure there has been in yours as well. I unfortunately got laid off in mid-March and have been on the job hunt ever since and like many others have had to tap into unemployment benefits, having my feelings of self-worth…