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Ending the Never-Ending Year!

First of all, thank you for your patience with me. I have not written a blog in a couple of months and I wish I had a good reason to or an exciting project I was working on instead, but to be honest, I just did not have the mental capacity to do anymore at the time.

I know that I am not alone when saying these past two months have been even more tiresome and mentally draining than almost the rest of the year. The end of the year is usually crunch time – time where you are trying to squeeze in any last minute goals, time to drain yourself of any or whatever ounce of productivity you have left, etc. Even at work, at the non-profit, it is the start of sponsorship sales for our 2021 fundraising gala and our end of year campaign hustling to get any last minute donations so our donors can utilize it towards their tax reductions. On top of that, the unnecessary drama and mental capacity that COVID 19 has on all of the holidays – whichever ones you celebrate and try to figure out how to celebrate – virtually, socially distant, smaller gatherings – the usual song and dance of this whole entire year I feel like. 

Christmas – my favorite holiday – felt like a marathon this year! Instagram – having a small family gathering during the day, outdoors, having brunch with all the fixings. Reality – drive thru gift drop and food exchange with multiple zooms. I had roughly 4 zooms throughout the long weekend and one of them lasted 10 hours! Do not get me wrong – I am more than happy to do all of this and with the circumstances felt like it was the best Christmas we could have had with the state that the world is in and I LOVE MY FAMILY. 

But, I am zoom’d out. I wish I was in school where I had the next 1.5 – 2 weeks off to just relax, decompress, and regroup. I am not even in the right mind space to think about 2021. I am usually already printing out pictures of what I want to put on my 2021 vision board – my husband and I do one every new year. It’s our holiday tradition if you will. But, if 2020 has taught me anything it has been to give yourself grace. So, let’s end the year doing just that – giving yourself grace.

Hi friends! I'm Amelia and I'm excited to embark on this new adventure of empowering women to live their best life by enhancing their physical and mental health. We are in this journey together! I am grateful, thankful, and blessed you are here to make YOU a priority.