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New Year. Old Traditions.

Happy New Year! It’s finally the end of that never ending year and the start of something new, something hopeful, something of change! We could all use some change and something else to focus on!

Every year my husband and I make our vision boards. What is a vision board you ask? A vision board is literally a blank slate – usually we cut a white poster board in half where you share, clip and paste, draw what you envision for your future or what you want to focus on for the upcoming year or few years. This will be our 6th year doing it together and I only remember that because I made him do this with me our first year of dating. I’ve personally done this for over a decade because my god father shared the exercise with the whole family after Thanksgiving one year as he did it with his CEO group – so of course I was interested.

It’s also a great date night because you share so much – about who you are, what you value, what you want out of your life, etc. Here are 4 tips and tricks that I’ve done in the past for my vision boards – feel free to use what you like and drop the ones that don’t speak to you:

  1. Put a photo of yourself in the middle.
    The board is for you and you alone. Therefore, if this is a board about your truest desires, you need to see yourself surrounded by those things you want to obtain. It is the first step in making those dreams into your reality.
  2. Organize it the way your mind works.
    What I mean by this, is if you are super compartmentalized then you can organize your board by topics (ie. family, health, career, etc.). If you are looking at your vision board as more of a timeline, organize it as so. You must do what makes sense for your mind.
  3. COLORS.
    I am all about adding colors to your vision board! This should be a piece that always inspires you and sparks joy! Black and white is great for the classics, but color to me sparks creativity.
  4. See it every day. EVERY DAY.
    How are you supposed to work towards your visions and dreams if you forget them? For me, I put it above our dresser in our bedroom. I have to look at it every day and it’s a great reminder of what I want to focus on and helps me live with intention.

Share your vision boards with me in the comments below or tag me on instagram – @thanxamelion!

Hi friends! I'm Amelia and I'm excited to embark on this new adventure of empowering women to live their best life by enhancing their physical and mental health. We are in this journey together! I am grateful, thankful, and blessed you are here to make YOU a priority.