fitness,  health

Quarantine Instagram Work Outs

I am a firm believer in getting your body moving every day, even if it is just to have a little dance party by yourself. It is so important to move and get your blood pumping because to me – that is the essence of being alive. Do not take movement for granted as there are so many in the world that wish that they could.

Quarantine has heightened that importance so we aren’t just Netflix and chilling all the time (which is also necessary in moderation). Since living in San Francisco and growing up being super frugal, I am not a big fan of spending $200+/month on a gym – let alone a gym in SF where it is probably already impacted with a lot of people in a tiny space which also means less space for equipment. Therefore, I’ve always turned to Youtube and Instagram for some great workouts you can do at home! Perfect for quarantine since we are spending the majority of our time at home anyways.

I’m sharing my top 5 must follow fitness instagram accounts and why I love them and what they bring to the table.

  1. @KatieYovin

    I have actually been following this lady since before quarantine. I personally use her more for her dumbbell weights workouts, but she also has some no equipment, HIIT (high intensity interval training), booty bands, barbell, and cardio workouts. She usually posts 1-2 workouts a week on instagram that you can do at your own time. She even came out with her own set of booty bands!
  1. @Barrys

    Since quarantine Barry’s has been a godsend with their FREE 20 min HITT sessions in the morning that they save to their IGTV so you can easily reference and select your favorite one when you’re ready to work out. Usually Barry’s classes are on the more expensive side, but they do kick your butt. It’s nice to warm up with these or even do JUST this work out cause let’s be honest – it’s enough.
  1. @katrinascott

    Katrina Scott has an amazing soft, funny, caring personality that really shows in her workouts. She is the co-founder of Tone it Up (which also has a great variety of workouts) and is the definition of a boss babe. I really enjoy her body sculpting and yoga classes. Some of her work outs can be found on her personal account, @toneitup, and @si_swimsuit in the IGTV tab.
  1. @stefcorgel

    Although she may look tiny, she is a little power house! She will literally kick your butt to the point where you are asking yourself, ‘how is she doing this?’, but in the end you feel so POWERFUL. I just started to follow her mid-quarantine and am so grateful because she is literal goals! Check out those abs! She will also do work outs on other accounts such as her Tone it Up account @studiotoneitupstef, @toneitup, and @imwellthy.
  1. @katieaustin

    Katie Austin is freakin’ hilarious and has such a great, positive attitude when teaching a class. I started following her due to quarantine but, little did I know, she is legit work out royalty as she is the daughter of the infamous Denise Austin (80’s workout queen). Yes, I used to do her mom’s workouts with my mom. She will have workouts on her personal account saved as an IGTV as well as guest host on @si_swimsuit and @amazonlive.

I’m always on the look out for new fitness people to follow because I do tend to need to switch up my workouts so would love for you to share who you follow! Until next time – always thankfulgrateful, and blessed to have you as a part of this community.

Hi friends! I'm Amelia and I'm excited to embark on this new adventure of empowering women to live their best life by enhancing their physical and mental health. We are in this journey together! I am grateful, thankful, and blessed you are here to make YOU a priority.