• about,  mental health,  Uncategorized

    New Job! Who this?!

    I started a new job mid-March – crazy to think that I was able to and lucky enough to quick and find a job so quickly. I am definitely thankful, grateful, and blessed. But, do not be fooled – it was a lot of hard work as well with the emotional rollercoaster of interviewing and moving on in the process vs. getting denied. What I’ve noticed thus far in this new role? Although I went through multiple interviews, it’s hard for people to know the detail and depth of your work experience in a matter for a 30 – 60 minute interview. It is up to you to utilize your…

  • about,  mental health

    I Quit. Now What?

    Early February, I put in my two week notice and quit my job with no job lined up and was fully ready to take 6 to 12 months to heal, take classes, and job search. The job I quit had a great mission and great teammates, but unfortunately it was not a great culture fit and I did not feel supported or set up for success in my role. Not to mention, it was a role that did not check even the majority of my career goal boxes and had begun to affect my mental health – hence the quitting. The week of my last day, I had a total…

  • about

    Post Wedding Recap

    I’m writing this – not even a full week after the wedding, but wanted to honestly debrief with myself before I forget anything from the wedding, the weekend, or even how I’m feeling right now. It all feels like such a blur and I still can’t believe we tied the knot and it’s all over already! Although prep was only two months long and traditional weddings usually take a year of planning, I feel like it was so much work and coordination on our whole village’s part. Literally everyone of our attendees helped with something – whether it was setting up tables and decorations, or helping with the A/V set…

  • about

    How We Balanced a Physical & Virtual Wedding

    To be honest, at the beginning of planning our wedding, we did not pay much attention to the virtual part of our wedding besides just live streaming it to our friends and family that weren’t able to attend the physical wedding. The aspects of how we made the physical portion of our wedding COVID friendly could be read in my previous blog post here. We were so focused on making the physical wedding as COVID safe as possible, that the virtual portion was unfortunately put on the back burner. Fast forward to a month before the wedding and we started to have conversations with my dad who was originally going…

  • about,  Uncategorized

    Bachelorette Recap

    I am not your typical bride – I am pretty low key and low maintenance. I am not one to go to Vegas, get strippers, get super trashed, etc. For my bachelorette it really played out very well and COVID actually helped me have a bachelorette that was more catered to my personality.  I only had at a maximum four girls attend the bachelorette at one time. Only two were there for the whole weekend which consisted of a Friday evening to a Sunday late breakfast. My sister only came during the day on Saturday. But, to me, it was perfect. I didn’t mind that everyone wasn’t there for the…

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    Planning a COVID safe Wedding

    Planning a wedding in 2 months is definitely not an easy feat, but to be honest, I am lucky to have been put in a similar predicament when I worked for the San Francisco 49ers. One of the years I worked there, I was tasked to put on and market a first of it’s kind conference in a matter of 2 months. So a wedding with less than 30 people was a piece of cake! Now, here are a few steps of how I made it COVID preventionary. Provide hand sanitizers for each guest and/or household. I provided 8 fl oz. hand sanitizer for each household which I got from…

  • about,  Uncategorized

    I’m freakin’ getting married!

    Welp! We are doing the impossible and getting married during a pandemic! My fiance, Brandon, and I were driving to a disc golf course when I asked him what his thoughts were on having a small backyard wedding this year in late summer/early fall just a month ago. I was getting really frustrated with how COVID-19 has changed the events world drastically – especially since that is what my career is focused on, but also because it literally put a halt on our wedding planning. I give props to those couples that have had to either drastically change their wedding vision and/or had to postpone their weddings. For me, even…