• health,  mental health

    Top 5 Mental Health Accounts to Follow

    To be honest, mental health wasn’t a priority for me until recently. I did not grow up with even the concept of what mental health was and why it is so important. I feel that traditionally in asian cultures mental health isn’t really a thing and even taboo to talk about or acknowledge. I’ve grown up with the whole – “life’s tough, buck up” mentality which eventually led to bad habits of suppressing a lot of my feelings – even to the point where it takes me A LONG time to – 1. figure out what the hell I am feeling 2. process those feelings. Even now, there are times…

  • quarantine-insta-workouts
    fitness,  health

    Quarantine Instagram Work Outs

    I am a firm believer in getting your body moving every day, even if it is just to have a little dance party by yourself. It is so important to move and get your blood pumping because to me – that is the essence of being alive. Do not take movement for granted as there are so many in the world that wish that they could. Quarantine has heightened that importance so we aren’t just Netflix and chilling all the time (which is also necessary in moderation). Since living in San Francisco and growing up being super frugal, I am not a big fan of spending $200+/month on a gym…

  • mental health

    Quarantine Reads

    Quarantine has really shaken things up and like everyone else I’m just doing my best to not only adapt, but survive in this ever changing world. When I first got laid off, I was excited to have all this extra time and was planning to take a month off of work to reconnect – with the world, friends and family, and myself. I wanted to travel to Hawaii for a week or two with my mom and enjoy the beautiful beaches and nature out there. I wanted to visit my friends in the south bay and Fresno. But, what’s that saying…”We plan, God laughs” and I’m sure he was rolling…

  • about,  fitness,  health,  mental health

    Start of a Journey!

    Hello everyone! I am Amelia and the face behind the Thanxamelion blog. I am starting this blog to create a safe place for people to gather and take the time to make themselves a priority. I want to empower people to live their best lives by focusing on both mental and physical health.  During this bizarre quarantine time, there has definitely been a major shift in my life as I’m sure there has been in yours as well. I unfortunately got laid off in mid-March and have been on the job hunt ever since and like many others have had to tap into unemployment benefits, having my feelings of self-worth…