health,  mental health

Top 5 Mental Health Accounts to Follow

To be honest, mental health wasn’t a priority for me until recently. I did not grow up with even the concept of what mental health was and why it is so important. I feel that traditionally in asian cultures mental health isn’t really a thing and even taboo to talk about or acknowledge.

I’ve grown up with the whole – “life’s tough, buck up” mentality which eventually led to bad habits of suppressing a lot of my feelings – even to the point where it takes me A LONG time to – 1. figure out what the hell I am feeling 2. process those feelings. Even now, there are times when I feel like my heart and my mind are on totally different planets, not communicating with each other at all, and my fiance knows how I am feeling before I do.

Lately, I’ve been trying to re-focus my instagram feed to not only follow bad @$$ fitness accounts, but also mental health accounts as well. I’ll share my top 5 below and what spoke to me about their accounts.

1. Myeasytherapy

For me, this account really opened my eyes into trying to focus on self-assessment and dig deep into allowing myself to feel deeply instead of dismissing myself quickly. One of her graphics in particular gives so many different synonyms to use that could express how I feel more accurately than just plain and simple – ‘I’m happy’. I also appreciate how her graphics are very kid friendly and welcoming as well because I do believe that we should start to have these mental health conversations sooner rather than later so that young minds are better equipped with how to deal with their feelings in a positive manner.

2. miss_mental0

This girl gets kudo points because she personally reached out to me via a DM (direct message) on Instagram thanking me for following her. I am huge about that extra personal touch – plus it just gets me pumped to support her. My favorite graphics of hers are either the multiple pie charts that break down stereotypes of what people think of certain mental health issues vs. what they really are. I also love the bubble flow charts touching on topics such as the impacts of depression or what self care can look like. She has assisted me with good habit building to work on your mental health – kind of like the gym; you need/have to exercise every day.

3. Healing_notes_

The graphics are mostly text, but she does have some cute characters in her graphics that are just adorable. A lot of the graphics are just reminders to be gentle with yourself and not to be too demanding of yourself – which I just am so accustomed to. Another one of my favorite styles of graphics they utilize are the 4-5 post-it notes that could touch on the topic of affirmations for the day or bringing more self-love in your life.


Jade really makes it easy to digest and understand different disorders. Her graphics are easy to read and comprehend and I just love the colors she uses! I particularly love the ones that help you figure out how to have conversations with people depending on what they are going through. She has two columns – one “things not to say” and the other “things to say instead”. For me, a lot of the time it’s hard to even just start a conversation and she has definitely made it easier.

5. theself_carekit

At first, self-care was a foreign concept for me. It was a ‘luxury’ that only the rich had the ability to do; extravagant things such as – get their nails done, get facials, or a massage. This account has really helped me re-assess what self-care actually means. To literally take care of yourself because we all do so much – more than we take credit for. It is to prioritize yourself and do things that make you happy, which doesn’t always have to mean spending a lot of money. This account gives you great options of self-care and encourages you to practice self-care regularly.

I’d love for you to share who you are following! Please drop them in the comments below. As always – thankful, grateful, and blessed to continue this journey of mental and physical health with you!

Hi friends! I'm Amelia and I'm excited to embark on this new adventure of empowering women to live their best life by enhancing their physical and mental health. We are in this journey together! I am grateful, thankful, and blessed you are here to make YOU a priority.